Gold Medals are pretty rad

Out There Host Willow Belden displays the show's latest PRNDI award.

Out There Host Willow Belden displays the show's latest PRNDI award.

Exciting news, folks! Out There has won a major national award from Public Radio News Directors, Inc., or PRNDI, an association of public radio reporters, producers, and editors from across the country.

PRNDI's annual awards honor the best audio stories of the year — kind of like the Oscars for public radio — and we're thrilled to announce that our episode "The Instinct to Kill" won first place in the independent podcast division.

"The Instinct to Kill" is about producer Sam Anderson's first experience hunting. When he set out with his father to kill a deer, Sam had no idea whether he'd actually be able to pull the trigger. His story explores what makes a person a hunter — and what that says about us.

This is Out There's third PRNDI award. Last year, our episode "High on Failure" took first place in the independent podcast division, and the year before, we took second for "Failure in Success."

It's an honor to be recognized by the most respected voices in public radio. And as always, it's an absolute delight to be making the show for all of you, our listeners.